“The City of Saratoga Springs and its officers settled a lawsuit in 2017 related to Mr. Hunt’s death in 2014. This settlement was reached after independent investigations were conducted by the United States Department of Justice and the Utah County Attorney’s Office.

The intent of the settlement was to provide closure and allow all parties a chance to heal and move on from a very public, emotionally-charged case.

Both parties signed and agreed to a settlement and public statements at that time. Therefore, we will not be making additional statements regarding this matter or the findings of the investigations. The settlement is available online at: https://www.saratogaspringscity.com/DocumentCenter/View/6226/Defendants-and-Plaintiffs-Release-and-Settlement-Agreement-4829-0679-2512-v13_Redacted

Prior to and since that time, the City has taken measures and performed ongoing trainings for officers, and continues to do so. Those include:

  • Body cameras
  • Implicit Bias
  • Crisis Intervention Techniques
  • De-escalation
  • Less-than lethal force
  • Suicide Awareness & Mental Health Issues
  • Professionalism and Ethics”