High school student influenced by Sgt. Bill Hooser reflects on the life of the fallen officer
May 6, 2024, 10:40 PM | Updated: May 7, 2024, 6:31 am
SANTAQUIN — Fallen Santaquin police officer Sgt. Bill Hooser had a big impact on the community he served, including several high school students.
“Honestly, it hit me like a freight train, he was a really good role model for me, he was a perfect example of what a sergeant should be like,” said Spencer Petersen, a senior at Springville High School.
Petersen was one of many who stopped by the growing memorial outside the Santaquin Police Department for Hooser.
Petersen participated in the Nebo School District’s Citizen’s Academy internship for high school students, which was two hours every week. Hooser was his instructor during the semester-long program.
“He’s the one who set everything in motion. He planned everything and gave all the assignments for lessons and really made the internship what it was for all of us,” Petersen said. “Honestly, it was the best part of my week.”
During the internship, Petersen said Hooser taught students about the multifaceted and complex aspects of police work from spending time with the K-9 team, touring the emergency dispatch facility and visiting the county jail.
Petersen said he appreciated Hooser’s direct approach and passion for police work.
“One thing that he said that really stuck out for me is ‘you have to stand up for what you know is right,’ and I’ve been trying to do that every day,” Petersen said.
The experience influenced Petersen’s decision to pursue a future career in law enforcement.
“We’re all going to miss him, the community for sure has taken a hit,” Petersen said. “He was just one of the best men that I’ve ever met.”