Inflatable Santas line Lehi streets
Dec 16, 2024, 7:06 PM
LEHI – A Lehi neighborhood is in the spotlight thanks to their giant holiday display of inflatable Santas.
“I think we’re probably over 75, this street alone has over 15,” Mike Schultz said.
The giant Santas first went up in the neighborhood behind River Rock Elementary located at 1700 West near 500 North in 2023, after Cassi Mortensen saw a video on TikTok of a street in Ontario, Canada filled with inflatables.
“I sent a text to the cul-de-sac and just said, hey, how funny would this be? Because it’s so cheesy,” Mortensen said.
Within a few days, Mortensen started receiving texts from her neighbors of receipts for the giant Santas.
“I had to go to my husband and be like, so we need to buy a Santa Claus, because we did a thing,” she laughed. “And it kind of started from there and then it just spiraled to our entire neighborhood, and it’s gone on to the next-door neighborhood, it’s been amazing.”
Mortensen said as the giant Santas go on sale, text messages spread throughout the community alerting those who may want one.
“It’s been fun seeing boxes on people’s doorsteps, we’re excited to see new ones pop up every day,” Mortensen said.
This year, new giant inflatables have joined the party. While most of them are still the 20 ft. tall Santas, you might also see a random Snowman, a couple of green Grinches, or even a smaller Santa.
“They actually put out a sign with it too, that said, ‘Missed the memo,’ so we’re loving,” Schultz said.
Schultz said the giant Santas have brought the neighborhood closer and helped homeowners get to know each other better.
“It’s been a community-building thing. The night that they all got delivered we were all out here putting up Santas,” Schultz said. “Everyone came out, was helping each other. So, it’s just been a really fun thing for our kids, for the adults, for everyone.”
Schultz and Mortensen said they welcome visitors to the neighborhood to see the giant Santas. They hope their community display brings an additional spirit to the holidays.
“We’ve noticed a few cars driving through a little bit more slowly than usual, but we think it’s fun, so we’re happy to share,” Schultz said. “We’re just hoping that, you know, people can smile, if nothing else.”
“The whole idea with Christmas is the unity, and I feel like this is something fun that you can do as a family and you can go through, and it just brings everyone smiles and happiness. And it’s just kind of silly and stupid, but I think it brings everybody together for Christmas,” Mortensen said.