Get Gephardt: Car warranty company refuses to pay for repairs costing Millcreek man thousands of dollars
May 1, 2024, 10:53 PM

After a Millcreek man was denied by his car warranty company for thousands in dollars of repairs to his vehicle, he decided it was time to Get Gephardt. (KSL TV)
MILLCREEK — When we met Daniel Waters, he was on the phone with his extended warranty provider, CarShield. We heard a company representative shut him down: claim denied, dispute closed, no recourse, have a good rest of the day.
“Can you believe that?” Waters asked us in disbelief.
He says the engine on his Ford F-150 pickup began making an awful whining noise, accompanied by the smoky, musty smell of exhaust. The dealer’s service techs found an exhaust leak.
“Due to the exhaust manifold warping, and then causing the bolt heads on the exhaust manifold to break,” Waters explained.
Once it was fixed, he submitted a claim to CarShield for reimbursement.
“The manifold is covered,” he said. “The bolts are not.”
Waters says the Ford mechanics told him his particular engine is known for manifolds that become warped to the point of breaking the bolts that mount them to the engine. We found a lot of complaints about this very thing online. And, he says the mechanics explained all this to CarShield directly. Yet, the company insists the bolts were not correctly torqued. They are sticking to their decision.
“How can they assess the torque on the bolts if they haven’t seen the vehicle?” asked Waters.
Not buying that he had no other recourse, he contacted the KSL Investigators.
“I’d like to get approximately $2,500 or $3,000 back on the repair that I had to pay for.”
We contacted CarShield and asked how they determined the bolts were not properly torqued, and if info from the dealership about the problem carried any weight. They didn’t answer our questions. But they sent us an email saying they “have been in contact with the contract holder directly and are working out a mutually agreeable resolution to this claim.”
And then Waters emailed, saying “the matter has been resolved to my satisfaction.”
CarShield would not elaborate on what that resolution was. Nor would Waters – suggesting he had to agree to stop talking to me in order to be paid. Though, we cannot confirm that.