Great Salt Lake State Park and Marina closes boat ramp
Aug 25, 2022, 1:44 PM

(Great Salt Lake State Park & Marina )
(Great Salt Lake State Park & Marina )
SALT LAKE CITY — As water levels at the Great Salk Lake continue to set record lows, the Great Salt Lake Park and Marina closed the boat ramp on Thursday.
“You may still use the ramp but do so at your own risk,” the park said in a Facebook post. “We have still been seeing a lot of Kayaks and Paddleboarders launch using the beach or the boat ramp. The Great Salt Lake State Park including its beaches, campground, and visitors center remain open to the public.”
Last month the Great Salt Lake fell to a new record low water level. The lake’s level dropped to 4,190.1 feet on July 5 according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
The USGS said we may see more decreasing water levels “until fall or early winter when the amount of incoming water to the lake equals or exceeds evaporative losses.”