More fast charging sites for electric vehicles are coming to the state
Nov 14, 2023, 12:26 PM
TAYLORSVILLE — Drivers around the state will start seeing more electric vehicle sites.
On Tuesday, the Utah Department of Transportation announced 15 new fast charging sites will be coming to the state. That doubles the number of fast charging sites in the state.
This will allow drivers more opportunities to get where they are going.
UDOT says Utahns are buying 50 percent more electric vehicles every year, which means fast charging will help support that growth.
UDOT also says eventually, more cars will be going all electric.
“So, we’re trying to get out ahead of that,” said UDOT Strategic Investment Director Lyle McMillan.
McMillan said by increasing the number of charging sites, the state downsizes on range anxiety.
“Eighty percent of people who own a vehicle charge in their garage, so once you leave your home area you need to relay on public charging sites. If you drive an electric vehicle, there’s something called range anxiety which is very real. So, more fast EV sites means you can get in: You can charge up and you can get where you want to go faster,” said McMillan.
This is only the beginning.
Fast forward, drivers will start seeing more sites throughout the state.
“We’ll be able to get off the interstate and help people get to our state parks. Our national parks — the mighty five. Our lakes and scenic byways that people come from all over the world to drive,” said McMillan.
UDOT said by the end of next year, every Utah interstate and US-6 and US-191 through Moab will be EV charging capable.