Snowbird to host 10th annual veteran and service members ski day
Dec 1, 2022, 4:54 PM | Updated: Jun 26, 2024, 9:44 am

Snowbird has been blessed with a lot of snowfall in the last few weeks, allowing them to open early on Friday, Nov. 18. (Snowbird)
LITTLE COTTONWOOD CANYON, Utah — On Dec. 10, Snowbird will host veterans, active service members, and their families for a complimentary half-day of skiing and a reception.
Snowbird will kick off the day with skiing at 12:30 p.m. followed by an après-ski reception with refreshments at 4:00 p.m., and then a flag presentation and drawing at 4:30 p.m.
The reception will be open to the public and includes a candle-lighting ceremony and an appearance from Command Sergeant Major (Retired,) Bronze Star and Purple Heart recipient Scott Bollinger.
“One of the things Snowbird looks forward to the most during the holiday season is hosting the tree-lighting event,” Dave Fields, Snowbird President said. “Highly Decorated is a great way to celebrate the holiday season and it’s a reminder of the important sacrifice that America’s veterans have made for our country. I’ve witnessed first-hand the impact that fundraising events like this can have on veterans. Giving back to them and providing outdoor recreation opportunities through Wasatch Adaptive Sports is the least we can do.”
Veterans, service members, and their families can register for the event by emailing with the names of each family member that wishes to receive a ticket by Dec. 8. Registration is limited to a veteran/servicemember and 3 family tickets.