Suspected DUI driver ejected from rolling car while fleeing police
Aug 1, 2024, 11:55 AM

KEARNS — A woman crashed into multiple parked vehicles and was ejected from her car after fleeing police Thursday morning, according to Taylorsville police. Officials said they suspect alcohol was a contributor to the crash.
Sergeant Carver with Taylorsville Police Department said that at approximately 1:30 a.m., “an unmarked detective vehicle witnessed a vehicle blow past a stop sign,” near 5000 South 4800 W., Kearns.
The unmarked detective attempted to stop the woman, but she fled, according to Carver. The officer did not pursue her.
The woman then reportedly crashed into multiple parked vehicles, “and a couple electric boxes,” Carver told KSL TV. The woman’s car then rolled, then she was ejected and pinned by her car.
Fire officials were able to lift her vehicle enough to get the woman out from under her vehicle, Carter said.
The woman was unconscious and had potentially life-threatening injuries, and was taken to a hospital. Carver reported she has since been stabilized.
The crash is still being investigated, but officials said that “alcohol is suspected to be a major contributor to this crash.”
This story is breaking and will be updated as KSL TV receives more information from officials.