UDOT releases all comments on the Little Cottonwood Canyon Gondola: there are over 13,000
Nov 7, 2022, 4:24 PM | Updated: Jun 26, 2024, 9:02 am

After a 45-day public comment period on the Little Cottonwood Canyon Gondola, the Utah Department of Transportation released all comments to the public Monday.
In all, they received 13,443 comments.
After a lengthy process, UDOT identified the Gondola as the preferred alternative to improve transportation and environmental impacts in the canyon on Aug. 31.
Then, a 45-day public review and comment period was open from Sept. 2 to Oct. 17.
Those comments have now been available for public review. According to the UDOT website, “The project team is currently doing a comprehensive review of all comments received on the Final EIS, but has not completed this review process.”
Full comments can be found here.
The Gondola plan B may take years to secure the federal, state and/or private funding to be implemented. In the meantime, UDOT proposed a phased plan, beginning with the Enhanced Buse Service.
The UDOT website explains, “The proposed phasing would include increased and improved bus service as described in the Enhanced Bus Service Alternative (with no canyon roadway widening), tolling or restrictions on single occupancy vehicles, and the construction of mobility hubs. UDOT would also proceed with widening and other improvements to Wasatch Boulevard, constructing snow sheds, and implementing trailhead and roadside parking improvements, as funding allows.”
UDOT’s response to the comments can be found here.