Wrongly-Convicted Man Exonerated In Sexual Assault Case 22 Years Later
Sep 11, 2019, 8:51 AM
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah – A Utah man who was wrongly convicted of sexual assault more than 20 years ago has now been exonerated.
Christopher Wickham was wrongfully convicted of two counts of aggravated sexual assault in 1997, according to a statement from Rocky Mountain Innocence Center.
Wickham spent 15 years behind bars and was placed on the sex offender registry.
The Rocky Mountain Innocence Center picked up his case in 2014. They said their investigation found new evidence that confirmed Wickham’s alibi. After a vehicle crash, he was admitted to a local hospital and was there at the time of the assault, according to RMIC’s statement.
The evidence also included a statement from the actual perpetrator that Wickham was not present during the assault.
Utah Third District Court Judge Royal Hansen signed an order on Sept. 10 clearing Wickham’s name.