You Think You Know Classic Cars? Take this Classic Car Quiz Before Visiting Your Favorite Utah Car Show This Year to See How Much You Know
May 6, 2021, 3:49 PM

Photo: Adobe Stock
This quiz about how well you know classic cars is sponsored by the Goodguys Rod & Custom Association. They are hosting an awesome Utah car show. Come check it out May 21-23 at the Utah State Fairpark.
Classic car season is about to be out in full effect. And with things starting to open back up a little bit, what a better way to celebrate than to visit some incredible car shows. But before you roll out, why not try refreshing your knowledge of your favorite classic cars before visiting your favorite Utah car show!
Take the Classic Car Quiz!

Photo: Adobe Stock
How much do you think you can recognize a car just based on its headlights or taillights? You might be surprised! There are some tricky answers! But give it a shot!
[wp_quiz_pro id=”460895″]
How Well Did You Do on this Classic Car Quiz?

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Did you do better than you thought? Share this with your friends and family on Facebook or Twitter and get them to play too!
The Best Utah Car Show Featuring Classics and Hot Rods

Photo: Adobe Stock
This year you can help celebrate America’s favorite car show. Goodguys Rod & Custom Association is cruising back into Salt Lake City, UT with the 2nd Anniversary of the RaceDeck Garage Flooring Salt Lake Nationals, May 21-23 at the Utah State Fairpark featuring one incredible Utah car show filled with the sweetest classic cars and hot rods!
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