Garna Mejia

Garna is happiest when she can be “out in the field” working on stories that matter to the community.
She has always been curious about her surroundings and world events. A journalism class changed her life as she found her passion in connecting with people.
Garna’s experience includes working as a bilingual reporter in Milwaukee, Wisconsin at the CBS/Telemundo Wisconsin affiliate, anchoring for NBC’s KYMA News 11 in Yuma, Arizona and sister stations Fox News 39 and Univision Laredo in southern Texas.
Mejia’s introduction to the newsroom came through her zeal for data, research and information gathering on social media platforms. It was her knack for audience engagement that kick-started her career at CNN Latino Phoenix and later Telemundo Arizona where she designed and implemented successful social media campaigns.
Garna’s unique name means “gladly” and “willingly” in Swedish. She was named after a dear family friend, Garna Randall. She enjoys spending her free time with friends and family, especially her five nieces and two nephews. If you have a story idea, you can always reach her at her email: