Positively 50+

Fitness class at the 10th East Senior Center in Salt Lake City. (KSL TV)...
Tamara Vaifanua

Positively 50+: Easing back into fitness for the new year

If you don’t make New Year’s resolutions, there’s one healthy change you should consider in 2025. Today’s Positively 50+ looks at some ways you can get moving at your own pace.
18 days ago
Volunteers with AARP Utah prepare Christmas cards and gift packages for senior citizens who may be ...
Tamara Vaifanua

AARP Utah volunteers brightening the holidays for homebound seniors

Seniors celebrating the holidays solo may find it tough to experience good tidings of joy. That's where Utah AARP volunteers come in.
2 months ago
National Family Caregivers Month is a chance to recognize and honor selfless individuals who assist...
Emma Benson

Positively 50+: Recognizing family caregivers

One in five Utahns are unpaid caregivers for a family member or friend. National Family Caregivers Month is a chance to recognize and honor these selfless individuals who assist others.
3 months ago
FILE - "I Voted Early" stickers sit in a bucket by the ballot box at the City of Minneapolis early ...
Dan Spindle

Positively 50+: AARP preparing Utahns to vote

Every year during the first week of November, as a country we vote, and every four years we choose a candidate to take up residence at the White House.
4 months ago
In 2024, volunteer Lloyd Blackburn is the AARP 'Andrus Award for Community Service' recipient....
Dan Spindle

Positively 50+: One ‘smart driver’ at a time, local volunteer among best in the nation

Every year, the American Association of Retired Persons in Utah honors a local volunteer who embodies the spirit of service. And we want to introduce you to him in this Positively 50+ report.
5 months ago
Salt Lake County's senior center teaches Tai Chi classes to help build strength and flexibility, wh...
Dan Spindle

Positively 50+: Tai Chi builds inner and outer strength, fall prevention

As we age, it's easier to lose our balance, risking falls. In fact, 30% of all American adults over 65 fall every year. Salt Lake County has a program that might just help you prevent those kinds of accidents.
6 months ago
Seniors exercise at River’s Bend Senior Center in Salt Lake County. (KSL TV)...
Dan Spindle

Positively 50+: Salt Lake County helping ‘enhance fitness’ for better health

The National Institutes of Health noted in a recent study that nearly a quarter of all adults worldwide are inactive, meaning they just don’t move enough or get any exercise.
7 months ago
A silhouette man making a phone call....
Dan Spindle

Positively 50+: How scammers are out to steal from you

Whether you’re a Gen-Z college grad, a young professional in the Millennial generation or a Baby Boomer – scammers can target anyone.
8 months ago
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Dan Spindle

AARP Utah offering classes to clear up Social Security questions

AARP Utah is offering in-person and online classes to help Utahns clear up their Social Security questions.
9 months ago
Robert Wetzel, who volunteers with "Meals on Wheels" delivering a meal to Lola Anderson at her home...
Dan Spindle

Positively 50+: ‘Meals on Wheels’ volunteer delivers more than just meals

One volunteer who is always on the go delivers more than just meals to those who need to stay home.
10 months ago
The Aging & Adult Services website that provides connections to Utah's seniors....
Dan Spindle

Salt Lake County Virtual Senior Centers provides a community for Utah’s seniors

Most of us would love to forget everything that happened during the pandemic, but one thing has stayed. And it’s good for Utah’s seniors.
11 months ago
AARP tax preparation...
Dan Spindle

AARP volunteers offer free tax help for seniors

Summer, winter, spring, or fall - No matter which season is your favorite, we can all agree that tax season is the worst.
1 year ago
We’re all looking for ways to stretch our finances through discounts and deals but for those who ...
Dan Spindle

Positively 50+: Tax Circuit Breaker and Renter Relief

We’re all looking for ways to stretch our finances through discounts and deals but for those who are a little older and on a fixed income, the need is that much greater. There is a lesser-known state program to help seniors out to the tune of hundreds of dollars.
1 year ago
A person putting money into a charity bucket....
Dan Spindle

Positively 50+: Protecting yourself against ‘charity scams’

As it's the most giving time of year, it's good to make sure that you are donating to the right places for the right causes.
1 year ago
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Dan Spindle

Helpers with mobile pantry at Midvale Elementary know need has no season

Around the holidays so many of us start thinking about giving our time and talents to those who need it the most. But for volunteers with the Utah Food Bank’s Mobile Pantry, it’s a need that knows no season.
1 year ago
(KSL TV)...
Dan Spindle

Suazo Business Center is helping get people’s ideas up and going

If you have an idea, and don't know where to start, the Suazo Business Center can offer you the help you need.
1 year ago
One of the volunteers of the Foster Grandparents holding up a promotional sign....
Dan Spindle and Michael Houck, KSL TV

P50+: A lasting legacy of learning

A national volunteer program is looking for more grandmas and grandpas to help the nation's youth with their growth.
1 year ago
(KSL TV)...
Dan Spindle

Local nonprofit helping people care for their pets and themselves

What if you had to make a decision to take care of yourself or take care of your pets? Would you forgo major medical procedures if it meant that your dogs or cats wouldn’t be cared for?
1 year ago
man sleeping on bed with sleep apnea mask...
Dan Spindle

How to get better sleep

Would you believe the average adult will spend a third of their lives, more than 9,000 days, asleep. But the quality of the other 60%, those waking hours, is greatly affected by the time spent sleeping.
2 years ago
The Ormsbys visit with Wendy's mom, Sally Weaver....
Keri Wilcox

Resources available to guide ‘sandwich generation’ through caregiving role

About one-quarter of U.S. adults are in the "sandwich generation" — raising kids while also caring for an aging parent. Getting support and connecting to resources is just a phone call away.
2 years ago
Ayanna Likens

Why your nutritional needs change as you age

A Utah dietician gives advice for nutritional needs as adults age.
2 years ago
(KSL TV)...
Ayanna Likens

Free program helps older adults adjust to aging

Aging can come with some changes and challenges in our health, finances and quality of life, but there is a great resource that helps older adults adjust to some of those changes and thrive.
2 years ago
Filing your taxes can be time consuming, and costly. But, AARP Tax Aides offer the free help of tra...
Ayanna Likens

If you need help filing your taxes, there is a free local resource near you

It's tax season, and if you need help filing your taxes, there is now a free and local resource to help.
2 years ago
Rose is holding a basket of crochet creations in front of a childrens hospital....
Ayanna Likens

Why staying independent is important to the health and well-being of seniors

Independence is important to the physical and mental well-being of every person, none more so than seniors. Here is some tips and tricks to help give seniors an independent life.
2 years ago

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