Former Senate candidate charged for refusing to leave a USPS while gathering signatures
Apr 12, 2024, 8:11 PM

Michael Cook, who was running for the Republican nomination for Spanish Fork's District 25 senate seat.
SALEM — Former Republican candidate Michael Cook is facing two charges after allegedly attempting to gather signatures in a federal building on March 29.
According to court documents, Cook entered a Salem USPS at approximately 2 p.m. and began to collect petition signatures.
Cook was asked to leave the federal property, and advised to continue to collect signatures on the sidewalk, according to police.
He allegedly left the property and then reentered the building to continue signature-gathering. Police reported that he refused to leave a second time.
The arresting officer stated that Cook resisted their attempt to detain him, and a struggle ensued. He was eventually handcuffed and put in a patrol vehicle.
Cook is being indicted on one count of criminal trespassing and one count of interfering with an arresting officer, according to court documents.
Cook was a Republican candidate for a state Senate seat in Spanish Fork until Thursday, when he failed to gather enough signatures to become the party’s nominee.