Back-To-School Plans Announced For Davis School District Plans
Jul 6, 2020, 9:45 PM | Updated: Jul 7, 2020, 4:02 pm
FARMINGTON, Utah – The Davis School District is moving forward with plans for in-person school next month, and officials are counting on parents to encourage their students to wear masks when appropriate.
Some of the safety plans include spending $350,000 to buy each student a mask with their school logo, as well as enforce social distancing between classes and at lunch.
It will look very different.
“We need to make sure that people understand that no matter where we go, there’s no such thing as a COVID-free zone,” said Chris Williams with the Davis School District.
The risk is considered even higher than it was when schools were shut down last spring.
The district outlined plans in what it’s calling “The Big Five”:
- Hygiene Etiquette
- Staying Home When Sick
- Cloth Face Masks
- Physical Distancing
- Clean & Disinfect
We will be requiring teachers to wear masks if they are within six feet of a student, if they’re in front of a classroom,” Williams said. “Outside of that six feet, they won’t have to wear a mask.”
The District has a plan in place to safely open schools in the fall during the COVID-19 pandemic. To view the "Big Five" plan in further detail, click here: For students who prefer not to attend in-person, two fully online options will be available.
— DavisSchools (@DavisSchools) July 7, 2020
Williams said parents and students should take those same considerations. Hand washing and using hand sanitizer will be emphasized.
Also, cleanings will be more frequent and custodians will have special electrostatic devices to quickly kill any bacteria between changeovers.
Williams said the district realizes the importance of in-person learning and the majority of more than 17,000 parents surveyed agreed.
“That’s when we’re best,” he said. “We love to have great relationships with students. Teachers like to work one-on-one with students.”
Parents who want online learning for their child, for any reason, either at their own pace or as a class, will be able to do that. The district needs to know ahead of time in order to hire the appropriate number of online-only teachers.
The deadline to sign up for online school is August 1.
The district said it will no longer give out perfect attendance awards so students will not go to school sick.