The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints General Conference Sunday Sessions

Apr 6, 2019, 9:23 AM | Updated: Apr 7, 2019, 4:03 pm

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah – Tens of thousands of people will be attending the April 2019 General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and millions more will be watching from around the globe.

The morning session begins at 10 a.m., and the afternoon session begins at 2 p.m. Watch on KSL 5 TV, at, or on the KSLTV app.

This article will be updated throughout Saturday’s morning and afternoon sessions. Updates are in chronological order, so the newest additions will be at the bottom. Refresh for the latest news.


Elder Ulisses Soares: Teachings Will Transform Hearts

Elder Ulisses Soares of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was the first to the podium, speaking on the desire to learn knowledge and increase faith.

He said striving to learn from and live like Jesus Christ will bring a happier, healthier life.

That includes compassion for those who have left the Church, Soares said.

“Be their friends and look for the good in them,” he said. “Never reject or misjudge them. Just love.”

Sister Becky Craven: Are You Careful Or Casual?

Sister Becky Craven, Second Counselor of the Young Women General Presidency, spoke about being careful or casual in the path to righteousness.

The world is full of distractions, Craven said, and members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints need to ask themselves if they are careful or casual when it comes to their standards.

“There is not a right way to do the wrong thing,” she said.

She noted members need to keep their covenants as they live their lives, but don’t judge those who are on the same journey.

Elder Brook P. Hales: Answered Prayers

Elder Brook P. Hales of the Seventy shared stories about how the faithful, who adhere to their covenants, are privy to divine guidance through the Holy Ghost.

Hales gave examples of how prayers are answered, often in ways unseen. He said the Lord answers prayers perfectly in his infinite wisdom to the divine benefit of the person, whether that person realizes it or not.

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf: Share Your Faith With Others

Dieter F. Uchtdorf Quorum of the Twelve Apostles began his talk by noting that the number of Christians around the world is shrinking, and fewer people are receiving the light of God.

He offered five steps to take to successfully share the gospel in daily life:

  1. Draw close to God.
  2. Fill your heart with love for others.
  3. Strive to walk the path of discipleship.
  4. Share what is in your heart.
  5. Trust the Lord to work his miracles.

“Heavenly Father knows you,” he said. “The Lord loves you. God will bless you. This work is ordained of Him. You can do this. We can all do this together.”

Bishop W. Christopher Waddell: Ministering To Those In Need

Bishop W. Christopher Waddell, second counselor in the Presiding Bishopric of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, began with a story about his brother, who died of cancer, who found his way back to the Church before he died.

“It isn’t necessary for someone to be suffering, like my brother, from a life-threatening disease in order to be in need of ministering service,” he said. “Those needs come in a variety of shapes, sizes and conditions.”

He said that “no one is too far gone” to receive the Savior’s loving reach.

President Henry B. Eyring: Invite the Spirit Into the Family

President Henry B. Eyring, Second Counselor of the First Presidency, spoke about building faith in Jesus Christ and how that will reverse spiritual decline in families.

It’s that faith that is more likely to bring repentance than preaching against the symptoms of spiritual decline, he said.

“The pure love of Christ must come into the hearts of those in our family,” Eyring said.


President M. Russell Ballard: Live the Teachings of Christ

M. Russell Ballard, President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, reminded members that God wants His children to have peace and happiness. That peace and happiness can be found through serving the Lord and our neighbors.

“We minister because we love our Heavenly Father and His children,” Ballard said.

He added that ministering efforts will be successful if the ministering is kept simple.

Elder Mathias Held: Find Truth Through the Rational Mind and Still Small Voice

Elder Mathias Held of the Seventy spoke of receiving light and understanding through both logical reasoning and through the Holy Ghost.

Held compared rational logic and the Still Small Voice to the left and right eyes — using both eyes together give the “true and complete picture.”

Elder Neil L. Andersen: Perspective of Truth

Elder Neil L. Andersen, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, noted that there are universal truths that are the same for everyone.

Some truths, he said, humans may not understand because they don’t have the correct perspective.

Andersen spoke of the Proclamation to the World and how members can’t pick and choose which parts of it they accept based on their single perspective.

Elder Takashi Wada: Spiritual Feast

The words of Christ are a feast, said Elder Takashi Wada of the Seventy.

Like a feast of food, feasting on the scriptures should bring joy, he said.

“The words of Christ can help us increase our spiritual capacity to receive revelation and safely guide us through life,” Wada said.

He spoke of the “pleasing word of God in the scriptures” that helps give us strength and know who we are.

Elder David P. Homer: Which Voice Guides Us?

David P. Homer of the Seventy noted that there are many voices saying many things in this day and age, and it can be difficult filtering those voices and choosing which to obey.

Homer said that the more diligently His children seek His voice, the easier it is for them to hear the Lord.

Heavenly Father’s voice can be found in prayer, scripture study, church, faithful discussions and in the temple.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland: The Importance of Sacrament Meeting

Beginning with the ancient sacrifice of the lambs commanded to Adam and Eve, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, told of the evolution of the sacrament and what it means today.

He said the modified Church schedule is to put an emphasis on the importance of the sacrament.

Holland called for the sacred hour to be an hour of punctuality and peace, with a focus on the sacrament. He advised congregation members and church leaders alike refrain from actions that might detract from sacrament meeting.

“This hour ordained of the Lord is the most sacred hour of our week,” he said.



Elder Dale G. Renlund: Abound With Blessings

We should liken heavenly blessings to a huge pile of wood, said Elder Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said . Kindling, sticks, small logs, and huge logs contain an enormous amount of fuel. Envision a single match with a phosphorus tip. The match needs to be struck, and the kindling lit. The kindling will catch fire and cause the other pieces to burn. It continues until all the pile is burned. Until the match is struck, nothing happens, regardless of the size of the wood pile. In a similar way, most blessings require action on our part. That action is faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ. The required action is always tiny when compared with the blessings received.  “We must act on our faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ to be blessed,” he said. You don’t earn a blessing. But you do have to qualify for it. Our salvation comes only through Jesus Christ.

One of the objects of prayer is to secure blessings God is willing to grant, but depends on our willingness to ask, Renlund said. “I invite you to faithfully activate heavenly power to receive specific blessings from God. Exercise faith to strike the match and light the fire. Supply the needed oxygen while you patiently wait on the Lord.”

Sister Sharon Eubank: Christ the Light that Shines in Darkness

Jesus Christ is the life and light of the world, without a strong connection, we spiritually die, said Sister Sharon Eubank,  first counselor in the general presidency of the Relief Society. Satan works to dim our light, leaving us alone in the dark. Satan works to isolate us and tell us we’re the only ones experiencing them. “I know many of you run very, very fast,” she said. “Part of out life experience is knowing what not to do… Christ is rest.” Some of us feel like we don’t fit the mold, she said. Christ reached out to people who weren’t traditionally accepted in society. “It’s an unwavering requirement of Christian disciples and Latter-day Saints to show true love to one another.” Some of us feel that we can never be good enough. “The miracle of His grace is that when we repent of our sins, His scarlet blood returns us to purity.”


The key is to make and keep sacred covenants. Make Christ the center of your life, Eubank said. Turn to Jesus Christ who loves you still.

Elder Quentin L. Cook: Great Love For Our Father’s Children

Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said this is a unique time in history before the Second Coming of the Savior. Charity includes God’s eternal love for all of his children. “Love of the Savior and love our fellow men and women is the primary attribute and motive for ministering and the spiritual purposes we were charged to undertake by our beloved prophet,” he said. Love was essential to missionary work in our day, just as it has always been. Most missionaries feel this kind of love, and when they do, their efforts are blessed. When it comes to gathering Israel we need to be motivated by love, Cook said. “What is needed is a loving, compassionate, spiritual commitment by each of us men, women, youth and children to share the gospel of Jesus Christ,” he said. If we show love, kindness and humility, many will accept our invitations.


Lovingly performing ordinances for ancestors will protect youth and families, he said. Make social media a servant, not a master. As parents we need to make sure media content is wholesome and age appropriate.

Elder D. Todd Christofferson: Prepare for the Second Coming of the Lord

“The Resurrection confirms the divinity of Jesus Christ and the reality of God, the father. Our thoughts turn to the Savior and we ponder … the infinite virtue of His great atoning sacrifice,”said Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. “I hope we also anticipate his return.” Let us do all we can to relieve suffering now, and to the preparations when Christ shall rein personally upon the Earth. “It will be a day of redemption and judgement,” he said. “Crucial for the Lord’s return is the presence on the earth of a people prepared to receive Him at His coming.”


Unity, godliness and charity built up Zion. We want to know about the Lord, and we want to know the Lord, Christofferson said. “It is the Lord’s work, and He is doing it.”

Elder Tad R. Callister: The Atonement of Jesus Christ

The atonement of Christ is a series of events, said Elder Tad R. Callister, general president of the Sunday School. The Savior overcame death with his glorious resurrection. He overcame sin for all those who repent. “It is an infinite Atonement because it encompasses and circumscribes every sin and weakness, as well as every abuse or pain caused by others.” If we feel the spirit, that is our witness that we have been forgiven, or the cleansing power is taking place. The memory of guilt can be a warning, he said. “It serves as a protection, not a punishment.” When we repent we are born of God. “I am a new, and transformed being.” The Savior can take away or give strength in afflictions.

President Russell M. Nelson: “Come, Follow Me”

President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Russell M. Nelson spoke about his last conversation with his daughter before her death. “You have brought me much joy,” he told her. “We miss our daughter greatly. However, because of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, we do not worry about her … Meanwhile, we’re serving the Lord here and she is serving Him there, in paradise.” President Nelson spoke about death. “In that coming day, when you will complete your mortal probation and enter the spirit world, you will be brought face-to-faith with a heart-wrenching question, Where is my family?” Salvation is an individual matter, but exaltation is a family matter, he said. We qualify by making and keeping covenants with God, President Nelson said.


The Savior invites all to follow him to the waters of baptism, and to the temple for sacred ordinances, he said. All of these are required to be together as a family, said President Nelson. “The anguish of my heart is that many people whom I love, whom I admire and respect, decline His invitation. They ignore the pleadings of Jesus Christ when he beckons, ‘Come, follow me.’” Pour out your heart to God, he said, ask him if these things are true. “If you truly love your family…pay the price now through serious study and fervent prayer to know these eternal truths, and then to abide by them.” Put yourself in a position to have experiences with God. “Jesus Christ invites us to take the covenant path back to our Heavenly Parents.”

“Do the spiritual work to find out for yourselves, and please do it now. Time is running out.”



President Dallin H. Oaks

Sins can be forgiven because of the Atonement, said President Dallin H. Oaks, First Counselor in the First Presidency. The atonement opens the door for all men to repent.

My message is one of hope for all of us, he said. “We are all sinners who can be cleansed by repentance.” He described repentance as a joy, not a burden. It is a never-ending privilege, he said. Man cannot be saved without repentance.

As we love god with all our might, mind, and strength, then we may be perfect in Christ. “What a promise! What a miracle! What a blessing!”

The scriptures describe the final judgment. “All things should be restored to their proper order.” We must repent before the final judgment. “God love us, and we can be cleansed of our sins.”

Elder Juan Pablo Villar: Exercising Our Spiritual Gifts

Elder Jaun Pabol Villar of the Quorum of the Seventy, said spiritual muscles need to be exercised to grow. Principles of action need exercise.

He shared a story about visiting his brother on his mission before he was a member of the Church. His brother took him on all of his appointments that day, and it taught him the Gospel. Months later, he was baptized and served a mission.

“He helped me to accept the invitation of the Master, ‘Come Follow Me,'” he said.


“If we want to increase our faith, then let’s do things that require faith,” Villar said.

Elder Gerrit W. Gong

Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve spoke about the Good Shepherd, who is also the Lamb of God. “Who better to be our Good Shepherd than the Lamb of God?”

Jesus had power to lay down his life, and power to take it up again. Jesus Christ calls us in his voice, and his name. He teaches us how to minister and love.

“Our Savior reaches out to the one and to the ninety-and-nine, often at the same time,” he said.


“Today, our Savior desires that what we do and who we are becoming will invite others to come follow Him.”

Elder David A. Bednar: Prepared to Receive Every Needful Thing

We should ask in our church meetings what we learned in our homes, said Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Our personal responsibility is to learn what we need to learn, and to become who the Master would have us become. Our homes are the ultimate setting for learning, living, and becoming.

“The ultimate responsibility for developing spiritual strength and stamina rests upon each one of us,” he said.

He said each individual needs to gain knowledge for himself or herself. “We cannot rely exclusively upon or borrow gospel light and knowledge from other people — even those whom we love and trust.”

Because we love the Lord, we always should speak about his Holy House with reverence. The temple is the house of the Lord. Everything points us to our Savior, Jesus Christ, he said.


Elder Kyle S. McKay: The Immediate Goodness of God

The Lord’s timing is different than ours. Patience is key, Elder Kyle S. McKay of the Seventy said.

“The immediate goodness of God comes to all who call upon Him with real intent. … This includes those who cry out in earnest desperation when deliverance seems so distant and suffering prolonged,” he said.

He shared the story who overcame addiction through prayer and the spirit. He also shared a story about a mother who lost a son in a snowmobile accident, and was strengthened by a Priesthood blessing, and by the spirit.

Elder Ronald A. Rasband: Build a Fortress of Spirituality and Protection

Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles encouraged participants to go home and ponder the words heard in General Conference.

“Our homes are fortresses against the evils of the world,” he said.

Remember, our homes are only as powerful as the spiritual strength of each one of us within the walls, he said. “We are at war with Satan for the souls of men.”

“When we build a fortress of spiritual strength, we can shun the advances of the adversary, turn our backs on him, and feel the peace of the Spirit,” Rasband said.


We should have integrity in all that we do. As we strengthen our fortifications, we become like Jesus Christ.

President Russell M. Nelson

We have 162 temples, Nelson said. Early temples are a crowning jewel of pioneer achievement. These pioneer temples will go through a period of renewal and refreshing, and for some a major restoration. We regard a temple as the most sacred structure in the church.

New temple sites announced:

Pago Pago, American Samoa

Okinawa City Neiafu, Tonga

Tooele Valley, Utah

Moses Lake, Washington

San Pedrosula, Honduras

Antofagasta, Chile

Budapest, Hungary


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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints General Conference Sunday Sessions