Reminders for pet owners as triple-digit heat continues

Jul 12, 2024, 5:53 PM | Updated: 6:28 pm

COTTONWOOD HEIGHTS — As the triple-digit heat continues, pet experts want pet owners to be mindful and cautious when going outside.

“We’ve seen a few cases of heat stroke already,”Dr. Aaron Barney, medical director at the VCA Willow Creek Pet Center in Cottonwood Heights, said.

Another common injury this time of year has been pad or foot injuries.

“It’s natural for us to take our dog out with us and as the temperature rises, we’re we have to be mindful about trying to go during cooler times,” Barney said.

Dr. Barney said thankfully, he has not had any cases this year where pets need to be hospitalized. “The seriousness of heatstroke is it can lead to organ failure and sudden death, what it does to your brain, what it does to your blood pressure, all those factors are concerning.”


“We’ve also seen a lot of (gastrointestinal) symptoms secondary to heat exposure, meaning like diarrhea, vomiting, anorexia, just generalized weakness sometimes in pets.” Barney said those are symptoms to be aware of this time of year.

He said heavy panting is a big sign your animal is trying to stay cool. “You’re watching for like heavy, heavy breathing rather than just a normal path that you can barely hear.”

Barney said there are certain dog breeds and factors that make their panting worse.

“Bulldogs, French bulldogs, English bulldogs, Pugs, Boxers, anything with the shortened snout has a harder time regulating their body temperature.”

He said darker-colored dogs, dogs with thicker coats, young dogs, and very old dogs are also sensitive to heat stroke.

What to do

In an effort to keep your pets cool and safe, the same rules typically apply for pet owners this time of year. Staying hydrated is number one.

“If they don’t want to drink, I’ll also take like a cooling towel. You can even take an old shirt and you can get that wet and put that on them,” Barney said.

However, he said not to use an ice pack to keep your pet cool.

Staying off asphalt or other hot surfaces is also important. Try to keep your dogs on grass or a trail and if you can, stay away from indirect sunlight, and take breaks with your pet in the shade.

“I know that’s common sense, but a lot of times you get a dog that loves to be outside, and it doesn’t think I need to stop right now or I need to take a break,” Barney said.

To learn more about the VCA Willow Creek Pet Center, click here.

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Reminders for pet owners as triple-digit heat continues